National Certification Working Group

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Terms of Reference

1 Purpose
The purpose of the Canadian Institute of Access and Privacy Professionals (CIAPP) National Certification Working Group (NCWG) is to take direction from, and provide support to, the CIAPP National Advisory Committee (NAC) in delivering on the CIAPP NAC objectives as set out in their Terms of Reference. This will enable CIAPP, with the endorsement and support of the Canadian Access and Privacy Association (CAPA), to effectively carry out policies and programs for certification of Information Rights Professionals within the public and private sectors across Canada.

2 Membership and Composition

Membership on the NCWG is at the discretion of the Chair of the NCWG who is accountable to, and will consult with, the CIAPP NAC as appropriate. The NCWG will be comprised of leading industry professionals, practitioners, experts and private sector representatives. The Chair of the NCWG has the right to appoint, or remove, members in the NCWG as he or she deems necessary.

3 Tenure of Members

Appointments to the NCWG will be for a term of two years commencing September 1, 2011. Reappointment is at the discretion of the Chair.

4 Chair

The Chair of the NCWG is appointed by CAPA. The Chair will call meetings as needed. Calling of meetings, and conduct of them, are at the sole discretion of the Chair and will be in a forum and location determined by the Chair. The Chair is accountable to, will take direction from, and will support the CIAPP NAC. With the approval of CAPA, the Chair of the NCWG may be removed by the CIAPP NAC and CAPA may appoint another Chair at CAPA’s discretion.
Changes to the NCWG TOR are at the sole discretion of the Chair who will consult with CIAPP NAC as appropriate before making any changes. Any such changes will be communicated to the NCWG membership promptly.
The Chair will direct the membership as he or she deems appropriate to carry out the activities of the NCWG.
The Vice Chairs will report to the Chair and may conduct the business of the NCWG as needed in lieu of the Chair.

5 Frequency and Location of Meetings
There will be no on-site meetings of the NCWG. The business of the NCWG will be conducted through e-mail, telephone and conference calls as determined most efficient by the Chair.

6 Activities of the NCWG
The NCWG will support the CIAPP NAC through the following core activities;
Primary Functions:

1) Receive applications for certification, review those applications in line with CIAPP NAC approved requirements, and grant certifications as appropriate.

2) The NCWG may, of its own volition and accord, review any actions, conduct, professional behaviour, or misrepresentations, of CIAPP certified persons and take appropriate punitive or corrective actions it deems appropriate to maintain the credibility of the information rights profession and the CIAPP certification. This may include, but is not limited to, reprimands, suspension, and certification revocation, communication and public disclosure.


3) Provide annual updates to the CIAPP NAC on the activities of the NCWG.

Secondary Functions:
• Provide recommendations and updates to the CIAPP NAC on the policies, procedures and practices employed by the NCWG in the carrying out of their duties of receiving, assessing, and conferring certification of potential Information Rights practitioners.
• Provide draft proposals and updates on certification issues to the CIAPP NAC for further consideration and endorsement as needed.
• Where necessary, and in response to action requests from the CIAPP NAC, provide reports expressing thoughtful opinions aimed at resolution of current or emerging issues related to certification and matters involving professional behavior and conduct of Information Rights practitioners in the public and private sectors.
• Members will act as an active champion promoting certification and professionalization of Information Rights practitioners within the public and private sectors through CIAPP.

7 Minutes and Confidentiality of NCWG Activities

The Chair may appoint, where he or she deems necessary, a recording secretary for any meetings who may take notes that reflect the decisions and resolutions made at the meeting. The Chair will circulate a copy of any such minutes to the CIAPP NAC. The minutes, including any approved amendments, will serve as the official record for the NCWG.
It is understood that any opinions expressed by the NCWG membership do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of any of the employers of the committee members. The membership will respect the confidentially of the committee’s decisions and resolutions.

By accepting an appointment on the NCWG members confirm they will take all reasonable and necessary precautions to protect the confidentiality of any information they may be privy to in the course of performing their activities for the CIAPP NCWG.


Members of the Working Group

Kent Ziegler (Chair) – Director, Freedom of Information and Legislative Services, Alberta Seniors, Government of Alberta

Paul Scherling (Vice-Chair) – CAPA Secretary and ATIP Consultant

Cara-Lynn Stelmack,– Alberta Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner

Diane Aldridge – Saskatchewan Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner

Don Hynes – House of Assembly of Newfoundland and Labrador

Kathryn Sykanda – Information and Privacy Policy Analyst

Rick Klumpenhouwer – Cenera Consulting (Calgary)

Hermione Ainsworth – Deloitte & Touche LLP

Chris Stinner – Ynsight Consulting

Patrick Egan – British Columbia Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner


Private Sector Advisory Committee

Members will be announced soon